Webpot - The Web-based PO Translation software Please read README first if you have any questions or problems. Because Webpot is a web application, it is executed in the account that runs your Apache httpd. In the following I refer to this account as `apache', but it may very well be `www' or `nobody', depending on the distribution you use. A Webpot installation is composed of 4 parts: 1. webpot.cgi. This is the CGI entry of Webpot. It should be installed into a cgi-bin directory so translators can access it via the web. The apache account must be able to execute it. 2. *.py. These are python modules or page `servlets' that webpot.cgi needs at run time. The account that runs the Apache server must have read permission to all *.py files. For better performance, it is advised that the directory containing these python scripts be writable by the apache account so the python byte codes can be generated and re-used. 3. Command line tools. These tool programs should be installed into somewhere in your execution path $PATH. 4. MO files. These are the message object files of webpot itself. Installation: Installing webpot is easy: just follow the steps below. 1. Download and unpack the tarball webpot-.tar.gz. tar zxvf webpot-.tar.gz 2. Change to the webpot- directory and edit the webpot_config.py file. There are 2 URLs, 5 directories and 2 accounts related parameters that you may set. Reasonable values are already in the file so you only need to change parameters to suit your web server. base_url: The base URL that the webpot cgi will be referred to. The default value is /cgi-bin/webpot.cgi which means the webpot is invoked in a browser as http://host.domain/cgi-bin/webpot.cgi You can use other URL using ScriptAlias in Apache's configuration file. css_base_url: The base URL for CSS files. cgi_dir: The directory that webpot CGI should be installed into. css_dir: The directory that webpot CSS should be installed into. doc_dir: The directory to install documents to. po_dir: The directory that po files are stored. mo_dir: The directory that the message object files of webpot itself can be found. web_user: The user name with which your web server is running. web_group: The group name with which your web server is running. 3. Specify the python you want to use in the first line of Makefile if the default does not work for you. 4. Type `make'. This builds all necessary files. 5. Type `make install'. This step needs root privilege so the ownership and permissions of scripts and data files are correctly set. You can do it in 2 ways: either sudo make install or su -c make install 6. Optionally edit the configuration file of apache to make sure your cgi and css directories match with URLs properly. 6.1. For Red Hat based systems, the configuration file is /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or one of the files in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory. 6.2. For Debian systems, the configuration file is /etc/apache/httpd.conf or one of the files in /etc/apache/conf/ directory. 7. You are done! Now you can direct your browser to the URL of the webpot CGI and see the webpot page. 8. If you want to install po files for webpot to use, please read the file doc/Management.txt.